Designs hand-finished according to your requirements.
  • Orders $55+ receive complimentary domestic shipping.
  • All orders are shipped from Tulsa, OK.
  • Most are shipped within 2-6 business day. Handmade designs may take 10-12 business days including charm bar.
  • Orders below $55: shipping rate depends on your address and choice of shipping method.
  • All shipping charges are non-refundable
  • Once your order is shipped you will receive a tracking number via email.
  • Should you refuse delivery you will be responsible for the return shipping fee.
  • Adjustments to address or cancelations must be emailed to within five hours of purchase. Include full name on order and order number along with an explanation.
  • All shipments do not include signature.
  • BDdesignsandco is not responsible for any lost or stolen packages. If your order states "Delivered" contact your local post office with your tracking number for assistance.        
    • All sales are final NO REFUNDS OR EXCHANGES. Each and every piece is made to order, therefore we do not returns, exchanges, or refunds.
    • In the event you receive an unsatisfactory item contact us within 1 day of delivery via email: we will work together to find a solution. 
    • You are responsible for choosing correct sizes, customization, quantities, colors, etc. Should a mistake occur and an item needs additional attention you are responsible for all shipping cost to and from BDdesignsandco.